MADE in USA Fraud in the Promotional Products Industry

June 07, 2019 Cheyenne WY, Washington DC USA


MADE in USA Fraud Claims on the Rise.

If you are in the Promotional Products Industry and are claiming to be Made in USA we can help with Validation and Certification, we have been in the Made in USA Business Since 2003. PPAI, ASI, SAGE, Distributor Central

CHINESE Tariffs, USMCA | NAFTA, Buy American Act, and the Executive Order (EO):13788 all Make the Made in USA Claim that much more Valuable all claims must to be validated and checked and VERITY has the solution. 

are the problems we solve.

Back Ground

The Verity Seal Validates TRUTH to Consumers, Retailers, Manufacturers and Producers, by validating Made in USA, Product of USA, USMAC | NAFTA, health, halal, kosher, country of origin, supply chain and marketing claims of components and on products are TRUE.

Made in USA and Product of USA Certified®” and all COOL claims Tags,

Made in USA Certified®, Product of USA Certified, PPAI, ASI, SAGE, Distributor Central

Why ‘Made in America’ Is Stitched Into the Law, but Not the Uniforms

More Transportation Security Administration uniforms have been made in Mexico in recent years than in the United States, despite rules requiring the Department of Homeland Security to “buy American.”CreditDavid Mcnew/Getty Images

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s push to “buy American” has been a key initiative of his administration, and Mr. Trump speaks frequently about ensuring that the federal government is buying American products.

So it might come as a surprise that the uniforms of those Secret Service agents that protect and surround him every day are probably made outside the United States, most likely in Mexico.

The United States government has several laws on the books that require the military and other national security agencies to buy from American sources, when possible. But a new report from the Government Accountability Office shows how a primary rule covering the Department of Homeland Security, called the Kissell Amendment, has been undercut by a slew of bureaucratic restrictions and obligations required by international trade agreements.

As a result, over roughly the past three years, more Secret Service uniforms have been made in Mexico than in any other country — including the United States. The same goes for uniforms procured for Transportation Security Administration workers. The majority of uniforms for Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are also made outside the United States, in countries like El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico and Cambodia.

“It really doesn’t have much impact at all,” Kimberly Gianopoulos, the director of the Government Accountability Office’s international affairs and trade team, said of the Kissell Amendment.

Continue reading Why ‘Made in America’ Is Stitched Into the Law, but Not the Uniforms